Do you sometimes read something and think you just have to share it? This is from Pete Wilson's blog Without Wax....again...not trying to elevate the guy but he has simply had some words that cause me to ponder (as Pammie would say:)). At least I give credit to him and hope it's okay to cut and paste from his blog. Someone will have to tell me if I'm doing a no-no. The truth of the matter, I keep finding myself frustrated with the way things work sometimes (and since He is sovereign, things really mean 'the way He works' sometimes.) I find myself in this lurching motion - forward (pause), lean back, lurch forward (pause)(PAUSE), yellow light, green light, red light....I'm getting motion the following excerpt gives me reason to hope and allow Him to continue doing what He does best...everything! The following is from Pete:
In John 11 we discovered TRUE HOPE DEVELOPS WHEN YOU ACCEPT GOD’S POWER AND TIMING. Most of the time we want his power, we want his strength, but we don’t want his calendar.
I love what Mark Batterson said about this in Wild Goose Chase…
“I tend to live the way I drive. I want to get from point A to point B in the shortest amount of time and by the easiest route possible. But I’ve come to realize that getting where God wants me to go isn’t nearly as important as becoming who God wants me to be in the process. And God seems to be far less concerned with where I’m going than with who I’m becoming.
The friction for many of us comes in that we’re a lot more concerned with where we are going and what we’re accomplishing than who we’re becoming. We’ve got it opposite and it drives a barrier into the work God is trying to do in us.
I really liked this quote too. I have heard that whole book is good!