Maybe it was too much physical work and now exhaustion. Maybe it was too much sugar and now sugar crash. Maybe it was too much expectation and now hurt feelings. Maybe this is just life in a fallen world. Maybe I'll go back to bed and get more sleep. I need my rest so when the rain stops and it drys out a little I can go back to finish digging out the yucca plants. I will conquer those plants once and for all!!! Eventually I will have a pretty flower bed by the driveway.....eventually.
I slept until 9:30 then worked out for an hour, moved on to odds and ends errands, came home and did laundry and started ironing. I'M WASTED NOW...the extra sleep to help from the BIG weekend is all spent. Praying for you...started to call you this morning as I drove by but saw a truck there..couldn't remember if that was your helper so I didn't call. I'm thinking after digging out you should also pour something on the roots to kill them...not sure what.