First lesson: I understand that I must let others seek revelation and use discernment for their own actions and reactions to situations. Even knowing this doesn't lessen the perception I have of the hurt feelings, my own included. It doesn't lessen the hardship of seeing someone struggle. I am learning to use these perceptions to fuel my intercession for the person/situation. A part of this lesson is brushing my palms together as I release my hold on anyone/anything and leave it at the feet of my unfailing, neverending Almighty God.
Another lesson: When I'm resentful (I'm being honest here) of what I don't have because I've made a choice to sacrifice my 'wants' for someone else's 'wants', I can ask myself if I'm taking care of what I DO have. When I focus on taking care of what I already have, it is amazing how much shinier it looks all of a sudden. Not giving up on what I want. Just laying down the resentment....well, getting there anyway.
Last lesson for the day (it's only 2pm, there might be more of course): It's perfectly admissible to speak into another person's life in the very area you are struggling with! I know the scripture that talks about 'splinter vs. log' so I'm not talking about judgment and sin. I'm saying someone recently spoke to me with words that they knew applied to them as well and were life giving to me. I wasn't thrilled at first. I wanted to stay in my bad mood, feeling resentment, feeling disappointed in others, feeling pity. I was choosing that attitude. A few loving words of encouragement couldn't be denied for long if I gave them even a tiny opening. My attitude is better, it's in process at least. I'm praying the person who spoke those words will give the small tiny opening and benefit from their own words. Because truly, the Words were from Christ anyway.
May the rest of the day unfold new found joy and peace to you.
I love you! I so wish I could see God's face as we stumble through this journey. We are MESSY and He LOVES US SO PERFECTLY AT ALL TIMES. I am SO VERY THANKFUL and I'm learning what that really means in my life. We can KNOW a lot but dang it that choice comes. I personally like to be real, stomp my feet a bit and then turn....may we continue to learn how to turn, where our gaze SHOULD be. Oh dear, emotions.