Many times as I lay in bed I begin to thank God for the many blessings in my life. The bed feels so comfortable, I'm not hungry, I have enough covers to be warm or a fan to be cool, my husband is beside me, my family is healthy, Kirby (the dog) is snoring, I love God and feel His love for me so strongly.
One night as I had these soothing thoughts flowing through my mind, I suddenly had the vision of a small dark skinned girl whose belly was swollen as she lay on the cold ground with only a light cover and realized God loves her just as much as He loves me. It made me realize that I had associated comfort with being loved. What a lie that is! This little girl, a daughter of the King, knew His love and loved Him in return in the midst of some pretty hard circumstances.
"So, God," I asked, "why have you blessed me with so much while she lies there hungry and cold? You love us both enough to give Your life for us. I'm not sure what to do with what You are showing me."
I'm still working out the answer. For one thing, I had to own up to the realization that I still had an unclear view of His love. I was unaware of how much I still associated comfortable circumstances with His love. Oh, I know He loves me even through the hardest of trials. In fact, I feel His love and strength more then because those very trials cause me to press into Him more. But in the physical comfort sense, I felt so blessed - loved - because I didn't struggle there. I would never have thought that my little dark skinned friend was not loved by God just because she was hungry, sick or cold.
This love, God's love, is not a love to be experienced only in the physical. It is a love that connects our soul and spirit with the Living and Loving God. "Man does not live by bread alone." I AM hungry. I am hungry for more of God. Not for more comfort, for more knowledge, for more resources, for more friends though I'll receive all of these things if He gives them to me. But I'm beginning to see that my new friend and I have a need in common that He desires to give us equally - His love.
I think I will remember my new friend, maybe give her a name. I will ask God to pour His love into us, that it would overflow onto others and that they would hunger for more. I hope I meet her someday, at least in heaven. Such an odd way to be talking about someone I know nothing about yet believe God has connected us for a reason. We'll see what that is someday.
God's love is indescribable.
EVERYTHING He gives us and does in our lives is a blessing...EVERYTHING. We Americans are so spoiled and get caught up in our outward "things" and answers we forget about those pesky Fruit of the Spirit that He is constantly working into us and that it is ALL GOOD. Your little friend may more easily embrace His love than we do. hmmmm....