Yes, the title describes what I'll be doing tomorrow. I'm jumping from an airplane. Fortunately, through great planning on my husband's part, I will be attached to an experienced skydiver who will be in charge of knowing when to pull the chord and how to steer us safely - and gently - to the ground.
Why, you might ask, have I made this decision to skydive. Well, to start with it was a couple of casual comments I made about wanting to do this someday and my husband, who loves to give surprises, taking the idea and running with it. Now that I've had time to think about the actual event, I am amazed that I am not nervous or worried. In fact, my prayer is that I will fully enjoy every second of this and not miss the joy of the adventure. You see, God has brought me through a season of dying to control and learning to trust God more fully. Just as the act of baptism is a public demonstration of accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord, this jump is my demonstration of learning to let go and let God.
Whenever I'm in an airplane, I love the window seat and spend a good part of the trip with my face pressed against the glass. Sometimes you are above the clouds and that is all you see - yet I see it as glorious. Then when you can catch some of the landscape below, I realize how large this universe is and how small we are and marvel at how much He loves and knows us.
So tomorrow, I plan on enjoying not having to press my face against the glass while I experience His marvelous creation and all that He has created me for. I'm going to rest & trust in His Almighty arms - then fly like an eagle...and land like a graceful ballerina (or something - couldn't think of what would be graceful and I'm planning on a gently, graceful landing!!!!)
The rest of the vacation is just as amazing! I'll write about it when we return. All I can say is that my husband went above and beyond in his planning and thinking outside the box.
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