Monday, March 1, 2010

So I wrote a blog in my head last night as I was trying to fall asleep and I remember thinking it was pretty good - so this morning I can't even remember what it was about - not at all! That has happened before and I figure it was either too lame to remember anyway or God took those thoughts from me because He had already worked it out for me. If I could remember what it was about, I might know if it was lame or a God-thing.

So instead, I'll share about a dream that I had some time ago. I'm always taking notes during church which I do for several reasons. One, it keeps me focused on the message instead of looking around church and thinking "Oh, there's Joy. She has a new haircut." And it helps me capture the main points - sometimes capturing thoughts that don't pertain to the message but good thoughts nevertheless. Well, truthfully, there have been times I've written a list of to-do's so I'll quit thinking about them.

So in this particular dream, I'm trying to capture the profound statement(s) that are being made about the topic of Justice and Judgment. I even am bold enough to ask that the statements are repeated. I'm trying to write it down and just CAN'T capture the profoundness. I wake up frustrated to pieces. I can't remember a word of the message, only that it was on Justice and Judgment. I thought about that dream for 2 days. Standing in my living room on the second day, God simply spoke "It's not for you to understand Justice and Judgment. They are mine. Butt out." Okay, He didn't say "Butt out" but I added it because it makes this writing more entertaining. (maybe) I can't tell you how many times since that revelation that I have been able to set back and say to myself "Butt out." (See, I told you that helped this blog post.) I think before I wanted to understand because I wanted to protect someone from justice &/or judgment. I wanted to execute justice &/or judgment. I don't even 'want to' anymore. Oh, I still want to understand more of God and how He works but from a different perspective now.

It continues to be an amazing, and often hard, process as God prunes me but I feel the sap rising and spring coming. Could there be blossoms in the future days? Praying so and praying for a bountiful crop that is harvested for His glory.


  1. blossoms in the future...I see some already, but I know what your heart is waiting for...blossoms in the future...can I beg God to hurry????
