Monday, May 16, 2011

What is within the spirit - the pureness or corruptness of the spiritual heart - is what shapes the soul - the thinking, feeling, acting which in turns affects the health of the body. If I am full of unforgiveness, it becomes a bitterness that then flavors every thought, feeling and action I have, in particular toward the area from which the bitterness was originally harbored. And those unhealthy emotions and actions begin to tear down my physical body. The stress and anguish change the chemical make-up of my body and begin to break down its optimum performance level.

So, upon learning this anew Sunday, I asked God to show me if there was any hidden bitterness in me. Why did I not think He would answer that prayer and show me exactly what I had asked for?
God has revealed a bitter root and it will have to come out. It's stuck right now but He will help break it up so it is completely removed this time. Once and for all! PTL

1 comment:

  1. You're not the only one who got a review of their heart condition. Glory....I have been in denial trying to have the right Christian attitude about something that involved several.... Praying our breakthroughs are swift and complete. UGLY, UGLY, UGLY~~~soon to be GONE, GONE, GONE and freedom will fly high!
