There were times when I was growing up that my momma would say something about someone or some situation and I would think "aw, mom, what do you know". Amazingly though, many times her intuition or discernment would be pretty accurate. There are some times that I do the same thing now. It's like you "know in your knower" (our Pastor's phrase) what is true or not about a situation. The next part is even when you know what the truth is and it doesn't paint a pretty picture, realizing God can still take it and turn it into a masterpiece.
I realize we can do nothing apart from Christ. And I thought I had learned a lot about things being accomplished through the working of the Holy Spirit not by my efforts. Guess I still tie too much of myself to these 'things'. I honestly thought if I poured all my love onto my boys that it would make a difference. As my friend keeps saying "the book isn't finished yet" but at this point I'm beginning to realize my love isn't enough. That is a hard thing to grasp because even in my imperfections and temper, I thought I had so much love to give. It is only His love that can make a difference. I can try to demonstrate it though I probably don't do it very well. But love has to be received for it to have an impact.
So Ross has moved out. He didn't like something I said. I spoke what I feel to be true. I don't know what happens next. I love him more than he will ever understand or accept from me. This hurts. I didn't read this part in the baby book about raising children. I thought it only happened to bad mothers...hmmmm...guess my own judgment falls back on me.
So having Branden back with us this last week hasn't been easy. Struggled almost constantly to have a positive outlook. Knew if we continued down this road with him, there would be a lot of sacrifices made. Kept hoping he would demonstrate an attitude of repentance, a desire to work his way out of his mess and instead saw a sour attitude and more concern with how to make his work easier than to simply get his work (community service hours) done. Then tonight, he sent a text about a friend picking him up from his community service and I "knew in my knower" that he wasn't being honest. He came home and gave me his song and dance about why someone other than that friend brought him home. Silly boy. I called the friend we would have approved of him being with who said that he was just getting off work. So the lie was revealed. Bottom line, we have given him until tomorrow @11:00 to be out. He has a lot of legal issues to deal with, no safe environment to go to, no home open to him - unless someone in his cycle of people he has used before opens their door again. I can't see how this is going to work out for him but God can.
God is still Sovereign. In fact, He doesn't need me to accomplish any of His work. Let me out of the boat, Captain. I'll swim back to shore. (From a story a friend shared.)
My heart goes out to you.