I hadn't planned on spending this week at MSU but then again as a mother, you don't always get to make plans. We got the phone call about 4 am Tuesday morning that Jody was in ER with great pain and throwing up. After calling the wonderful older sister and brother in-law to ask them if they would head on to the ER (I felt sorry for the roomie and best friend who had spent hours with her already) I packed a bag and headed south myself. By the time I got to the hospital, Dana had all under control. At one point, I laughed to myself "I'm only the mother" as I stood by while Dana and Brian took care of her. After finally receiving a second shot of a pain killer that truly worked, they told us she had a small kidney stone that should pass within 24-48 hours and sent us home.
The question was where to take her. She wasn't up to traveling very far so we ended up back in her dorm room where we have camped out since then waiting for that little stone to show itself in the strainer she has to carry everywhere. Still hasn't shown itself so we are assuming it hasn't passed. She is still sore and in pain some of the time. We saw a urologist Thursday morning who was worthless. The only useful information we gathered from him was that the tests showed there weren't any more stones in the kidney and he gave her a medicine that is suppose to help the stone pass (but in reading about it on the internet, it says not to give it to women or children....it is for prostrate problems....will give it a couple of days, I guess).
This morning I was awakened from my comfy bed, made from chair cushions, so we could journey to the crowded first floor of a boys wing because the tornado sirens were blaring. As I sat there telling myself that I wasn't claustrophobic and the loud, hyserical girl deserved to live, I thought "I went to college in Oklahoma, part of tornado alley, and never remember a tornado drill much less a real one." Thankfully we were only there about an hour. When we came back to the room (4th floor) it was almost frightening to watch the tree outside twist in the wind - it was a strong wind. And then it all passed by.
The next excitement was hearing that Dana & Brian had a flood in their basement from a small stream in their back yard that flowed up to their back door and filled their downstairs w/ 2" of water. And of course, they lost electricity. However, they had some amazing friends kick in big time and help move everything so nothing was lost in that aspect. The guy next door works for his family who cleans carpets so he immediately got the water extractor & started as soon as they got electricity. In remains to be seen what will happen to the carpet.
So today I packed part of Jo's room to take home with me tomorrow. She gave up her room to Branden so we will have to figure out where to store her stuff for the summer. She had planned on putting some of it at Dana and Brian's - having to re-think that plan.
Going to finish my college week by watching a movie. We tried to watch it last night but fell asleep. Oh, life is exciting...
well you know our basement is available...we have lots of room.