I'm still exploring this thought that God is in the darkness too. We hear "God is light" so much that we overlook that He also is in the darkness (duh). The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was. Exodus 20:21 There is no darkness in God but He may be found in the darkness. Let me see if I can explain - honestly, I'm writing this somewhat in an effort to come to terms with the dream I had recently.
Dream: I've had other dreams about alligators and they represent the 'deceivers'. In previous dreams, the 'deceivers' were revealed and I knew they had already been conquered though the evidence hadn't yet been seen. But in this dream, I could see the alligators a distance away from me and it was fully daylight. I knew there was enough distance between us. They were moving around some. I felt safe. Then it became dark. And I couldn't see. I couldn't be sure if I was hearing them move or not. And I was afraid. Really, heart racing SCARED. Then I woke up. Somewhere from a recent scripture reading I remembered a verse about God coming out of the darkness to bring light (haven't located that scripture again - yet). As I lay there waiting for my heartbeat to slow down, I realized that even in that horrible darkness, God was present and He would keep me safe from the alligators (deceivers).
This has made me think more and more about darkness. First, I know we aren't to act on our own but only following the lead of the Holy Spirit. However, are we missing being obedient to follow Him because it appears to be leading us into darkness? You know, uncharted territory, reaching the lepers, going into the streets, speaking truth to the cults. If we are to be light to the world, doesn't that mean trusting Him when He says "Go"? Its as if we are waiting for Him to light up the darkness first and then we will follow Him. He has given us His light. He asks us to join Him in lighting the way, not necessarily follow His light. Does that make sense? I'm not finding the exact words to convey what I'm experiencing. I'll say again that I know we aren't to run ahead of God into the darkness but I think we are missing hearing His heart because we are waiting until it is light to move forward. He showed me in the dream that HE is present even in the darkness and I don't need to fear. Just be obedient and listen for HIM, not the alligators:).
I've had another dream but probably won't write about it. The one thing I know from this dream is that calling on the name of Jesus is calling on the Deliverer! And that's good enough for me.
I don't believe all dreams have some prophetic meaning. I do believe this is a way that God may choose to speak to you for encouragement and shaping. He is not the author of nightmares!