It's been a journey and it isn't over but a destination has been arrived at from where the next leg of the journey pushes off. I realize I didn't have this journey mapped out for the shortest route or my blog title would have read differently to start with...maybe "God's Daughter and a Momma Forever" this point it doesn't matter. I have discovered being His daughter and committing my focus to that relationship helps align all other relationships and positions in life. Well, duh, you say. After all that is exactly what Mt 6:33 says "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." What can I say? Apparently I needed to wander in the dessert on this journey awhile in order to appreciate the Promise Land and the One who promised it.
This life adventure is hard sometimes. Yet the journey is also exciting. The unknowns, the blessings, the miracles, the lessons learned. I've learned to sit and know that He is God and to allow Him to be just that - God. One who doesn't need my assistance. However, He made me a doer, an active person and He has called me to be active even in the learning to be still. No, that doesn't make a lot of sense but then again, God's thinking and ways don't line up with our natural minds often.
If I couldn't serve Him, I would stagnate, wither and die. Faith without works is death. Work without faith is worthless. To know the balance is a sign of maturity in Him. That's where this destination meets the next leg of the journey. I'm ready, Lord. Let's go.